May 24

IMAGINE IMAGINE IMAGINE RECORDS Presents ANWIYCTI ” A New World If You Can Take It ” LP + CD Release

ANWIYCTI Soul Scream 雜誌

IMAGINE IMAGINE IMAGINE RECORDS Presents ANWIYCTI ” A New World If You Can Take It ” LP + CD Release


香港 Alternative Rock 新銳團體 ANWIYCTI  讀音 (AN WIC TI) 全名為『A New World If You Can Take It 』 首張同名專輯 <<A New World If You Can Take It>>,製作及錄音時間長逹2年,母帶及混音於荷蘭 Mailmen Studio由Martijn Groeneveld製作。除了CD,同時亦發行12寸黑膠限量版,重本遠德國由質量著 名的Eldorado壓制,全球限量出品,於日本丶台灣及香港同步發行。全碟共有8首單曲,風格包含Post Punk、Shoegaze、Post Rock及Space Rock,當中混入了一些電子元素,正如同他們的名字”A New World If You Can Take It”

ANWIYCTI組成於2012年,2013年與新世代獨立廠牌 IMAGINE IMAGINE IMAGINE RECORDS (III- RECORDS)簽約後, 旋即發表了首支單曲〈Daydreaming the Daydream〉,獨特的音色立刻令一眾樂迷驚 艷不已:迷幻噪音不時以反饋方式在雙耳間飄盪,三支貝斯還愛互相追趕,以噪音殘響鋪陳出支配感官的音 場, 聽眾們離地三寸,可幸仍能靠鼓手(Pie Wong)的擊打維持高度。聽見這般太空迷幻(space-rock)美學, ANWIYCTI的成員們就算不是Loop,也至少是Spaceman 3的樂迷了吧。

ANWIYCTI 的音樂也已經吸引其他不同產業的關注, 最近跨產業企劃是與 Joyce x AMBUSH 的合作聯名:

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一個沒有吉他,只有貝斯的香港獨立樂隊ANWIYCTI,2012年組成,初聽ANWIYCTI時,總覺得有點不對勁。音牆中若隱若現的主唱,後崩克式(post-punk)的鼓拍,山海欲來的 貝斯層,聽出了甚麼不尋常的地方了嗎?是吉他位置,正確來說,是沒有吉他位置,ANWIYCTI是一組摒棄了 吉他,改 以三支貝斯(Edward Chiu, Eqqus Lee, Joey Pui)同時主導的本地樂隊。ANWIYCTI全寫其實是”A New Word If You Can Take It”,仿佛是回應遠古怪才Joe Meek & The Blue Men在1960年發行的前衛民謠 名曲〈I Hear A New World〉。雖然ANWIYCTI的曲式編排是如此緊湊結實,暫時和寫意的民謠扯不上關 係,但那股愛拿錄音室當實驗室的興味倒是和前輩一脈相承。

除卻實驗精神,樂隊對九〇年代美式獨立搖滾偏好也是俯拾皆見,Sonic Youth的殘暴,Medicine的瞪鞋式噪 音,甚或Pavement的低傳真手法;而然,主音Joey的腔調卻流露著幽暗英倫氣息。如此出眾的編寫功力,讓 ANWIYCTI初次站台,便為香港最大型音樂節Clockenflap作開幕打響頭炮,扎實的演出贏盡口碑。可他們並 沒有依循傳統,乘勢玩上更多現場,而是依計劃回到錄音室,為預定會在2014年發行的首張專輯進行後製工 作,畢竟,於他們來說,音樂才是樂隊的主體。


首支 music video 〈X〉 由好友周國賢 Endy Chow jaugwokyin操刀,充斥迷幻氛圍,有別於他自己向來音 樂上的風格,與ANWIYCTI產生了巨大化學作用。 首張專輯”A New World If You Can Take It”將於2014年5 月推出,分別備有CD及12吋版德國壓製黑膠唱片,全球限量500張。




The only Alternative Rock band in Hong Kong refused to play guitar but prefer playing 3 bass guitars.

Their first show in Clockenflap 2013 has been highly praised by a number of senior music critic.

Theme Song <1516> for Joyce, the luxury fashion retailer, on the JOYCE X AMBUSH Collaboration Project.

ANWIYCTI pronounced as (An-Wic-Ti) with full name of “ANewWorld IfYou CanTake It”.Their debut album “A NewWorld IfYou CanTake It” has been produced and recorded for 2 years, while mastering and mixing by Martijn Groeneveld in Mailmen Studio in the Netherlands.

Except CD, a limited edition 12-inch vinyl has also been released.The vinyl was repressed by Eldorado, a high quality vinyl manufacturer in German.  The limited editon 12-inch vinyl has been released among Hong Kong,Taiwan and Japan simultaneously .The album include eight singles, with styles of Post Punk, Shoegaze, Post Rock and Space Rock, which mixed with some electronic elements, just as their name “ANewWorld IfYou CanTake It”.

ANWIYCTI formed in 2012 and officially signed with a local record label IMAGINE IMAGINE IMAGINE Records in late 2013.The first single, “Daydreaming the Daydream” released as preparation for their debut album launch in February 2014.The first show is opening for Clockenflap 2013.

“There is something unusual.”

That would be the first impression onANWIYCTIʼs sound.The question of the cause of unusual arise: Is there something in performance of vocal? Or that twisted punk-rock style beat? What about the guitar string? Here you go, there is no guitars.

ANWIYCTI is a band that abandoned the guitar in exchange of three basses all as lead positions (Joey Pui, Edward Chiu, Eqqus Lee).The full name ofANWIYCTI is “ANew World IfYou CanTake It”, which seems to be a respond to another brilliant outer space classic, “I HearANew World” composed by Joe Meek &The Blue Man back in the 60’s.Asense of experimental legacy continually appears fromANWIYCTI by the tension of arrangement but not ballad.Additionally, the band indulges in the 90’sAmerican indie-rock era.The savage of SonicYouth, Medicine-alike noise use, even the raw expression like Pavement can be find in their tunes. However, Joey the vocalist is delivering a sense of British gloomy as the shadow.

The sound of three Basses strings are tracing each other in a field where the reverb becomes a fact of control. It takes audience to the dimensions beyond. Nevertheless, the beat of drummer (Pie Wong) comes to be a guard along with the psychedelic journey.

As the audience may believe, the members ofANWIYCTI are either the followers of Loop or Spaceman 3 when hear their an art of space-rock. Which make us wonder, whereANWIYCTI are taking us to, in the next destination of other galaxy?

The first music video “X” which directed by their friends, Endy Chow (jaugwokyi), is filled with psychedelic atmosphere. It is way different from the usual music style from Endy, which produce a tremendous chemistry betweenANWIYCTI and him.The second music video “Many But One” is directed by Eqqus Lee with the atmosphere of lost and loneliness. Remember to pay attention on the CG special effects!

ANWIYCTI, Imagine Imagine Imagine Records, Indie Rock, Alternative Rock, A New World If You Can Make It, Music, Bands, Hong Kong Bands, Rock, Indie Banks, first album, Album Release

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