這次的突發奇想是因為宙學在引導不同的課程的時候常常會翻閱我個人參加不同 Access Consciousness 課程的筆記,我對做筆記有個人的強迫症與執著,這是非常適合我個人的學習方式。
我們會討論筆記中的教導與工具、邀請更多的覺察與清晰度,最後一起拉能量邀請萬事萬物與我們一起創造!我的筆記看過都說讚,我可以一個 CFP 三天課程,我邊聽邊做筆記上一個禮拜,因為筆記裡面有我當下的秒懂跟體悟,然後我會去實踐後再新增筆記!
什麼是 Energy Pull (拉能量)?
拉能量是非常簡單、強大的、Access 特有的創造方式。也是宙學每天無時無刻都在運用的工具。這 11個主題是宙學個人認為擁有一個高潮般的生命的必備元素!
想跟大家分享我的愛歌,音樂巨匠坂本龍一 (Ryuichi Sakamoto) 的 Energy Flow (能量流動)。那份寧靜的流動、那份平和的喜悅與生命的榮耀總是讓我感動不已:
7堂課程 | 7組課堂中衍生的除障句 |
上課方式: Zoom 線上 (錄影 MP4 檔 & 錄音 MP3 檔可下載回放)
上課時間: 1/31, 2/1, 2/2, 2/3, 2/5, 2/6, 2/7 |每晚 9pm 開始,30分鐘-40分鐘
費用:$2,500 NT
報名方式:請加宙學的 Line ID: fei113
付款方式:銀行轉帳 / Line Pay / 信用卡刷卡 / Paypal
宙學最愛 Access Consciousness 的經典金句與教導分享
『 People often look at themselves and their current situation, and they look at other people’s situtation as a reference point, in order to decide whether to make themselves more or less …… pp 人們時常看著他們自己以及他們的現況,同時把他人的現況當成參考點,然後用這一切來決定自己是好的還是糟糕的 ……. pp 』by Chris H.
『 The willingness to allow yourself to fuck it up, fail and make mistake is vulnerability, if you are willing to choose it, you will relax, and you won’t try to make the right choice and avoid the wrong choice, you will have the presence and awareness to choose what works for you in this 10 seconds. 那個願意允許自己搞砸或是失敗的意願是那份對自己的不設防,如果你願意選擇的話你將會放鬆。因為你不再需要做出正確的選擇或是逃避做出錯誤的選擇,你只是在這個10秒選擇對你管用的 』by Chris H.
『 The gift of wealth and wealth of being is the willing to have the future as so much greater and bigger than anybody else, how much of that are you dismissing with your unwillingness to choose vulnerability? …… pp 財富與成為的富足是願意去擁有一個比任何人都更偉大與輝煌的未來。關於這些有多少是你忽略的因為你不願意去選擇那份不設防?……. pp 』by Chris H.
『 You are willing to be better than others, but not as great as you, not as different as you, what if you are willing to be as great and as different as you are in totality? 你總是願意成為比他人更好的,但你卻不願意成為你真正所是的那麼偉大、那麼不同。假如你願意成為你真正所是的那麽偉大那麼不同那會怎麼樣呢?』by Dain Heer
『 Most people create from and based on stress and tense and anxiety, in order to create the feeling of adrenaline pump, to make them feeling alive and as if you are creating something. This is the space of contraction, which takes more energy. 大部份的人們基於他們的壓力、緊繃、焦慮去創造,來創造出腎上腺激素飆升的感覺,讓他們覺得是活著且在創造的感受。這是個緊縮的空間,需要耗費更多的能量 』by Dain Heer
『 If you are not willing to be vulnerable with yourself, with your points of view, you are never gonna change it, because your points of view creates your reality. 如果你不願意對你自己與對你自己的觀點不設防,那麼你將無法改變你的觀點,因為你的觀點創造你的實相 』by Chris H.
『 When I go shopping, I go shopping with the point of view that I can have anything, there is nothing I cannot be, do, have, create and generate. 當我去購物的時候,我的觀點是我可以擁有一切,沒有任何東西是我無法成為、做的、擁有的、衍生的 』by Chris H.
『 Relaxation is how humanoid actually can create more, humanoid create with Ask & Receive. This is the space of expand of you being, which takes no energy, it is the space of ease joy and glory. 放鬆是類人族創造更多的方式, 類人族透過請求與接收來創造。這是個你的存有擴展的空間,不需要花費任何的能量,它是個輕鬆、喜悅、充滿榮耀的空間 』by Dain Heer
『 Fantasy is always a projected image and conclusion, a completed and always have a solid image attached to it, an image of how you want things to be, rather than exploration of possibilities. 不實際的幻想通常都是投射出來的畫面與結論,且總是有一個已經了結的、僵化的畫面,它是一個你希望事情會怎樣發生的畫面,但那不是一個可能性的探索 』by Chris Hughes
『 How many of you are using your situation with money or finance, to determine what you will or will not receive? …… pp 我們之中有多少人正在使用你目前的金錢狀況與財務狀況來決定你可以接收什麼與不能接收什麼?』by Chris Hughes
『 If you make something relevant you literally cannot receive anything greater than what you have made relevant. 如果你把某樣東西認定為相關的,那麼你便無法接收比你當成相關的更偉大的那些 』by Simone Milasas
『 There is not one person on this planet that knows what you know, or came here to be what you can be. 在這個星球上沒有任何人比你更知道你來到這個星球上要成為什麼,以及沒有人擁有你所擁有的知曉 』by Brendon Watt
『 What you seek is seeking you. 你在尋找的一切也正在尋找你 』
『 You need to have your own back and not always be looking and depending on the outside source. 你必須成為自己的靠山且不去依賴外在的源頭 』by Gary Douglas
『 What humanoid capacities and abilities do you have, naturally, that you think is a wrongness, but it’s capacity? 有什麼類人族的的強大與能力是你天生擁有的,但你把這些他們認定為錯誤而不是你的能力? …… pp 』
『 What are you already receiving from that you are not acknowledging ? 有什麼是你已經正在接收中,但是你卻還為承認你正在接收的?』
『 What have you decided you will not receive that if you receive it, will give you a greater life than you are willing to ask for? …… pp 有什麼是你已經決定了是你打死都不願意接收或是無法接收的? 如果你願意接收的話將會帶給你一個你還未願意去請求的那個輝煌宏偉的生命 …… pp 』
『 You have been diverting your energy to maintain what’s not true, so now you have to divert your energy on humanoid actualization that must comes from giving yourself acknowledgement first, claim and own all of your awareness, capacities. 長久以來你都將你的能量用來維持那些對你來說不是真實的一切,現在你要做的是將你的能量用在類人族的實現與顯化,首先你要做的是承認、認領你身為類人族的覺察與強大 』by Shannon O’Hara
『 How much have you been creating your life from the zero sum game, using the Big 5 of reality to do it….. pp 你正在使用多少的五大來創造你生命中的零和遊戲? …… pp 』from CFP 2023
『 Trying to pretend that you are normal is one of the biggest killer of possibilities. 假裝你是平凡普通的是可能性最大的殺手之一 』by Gary Douglas